Opastettuja kierroksia ja projektineuvontaa
Oletko kiinnostunut opastetusta kierroksesta Puu-Juuassa, Juuan kotiseutupolulla, Vuokossa tai Nunnanlahdessa. Tuula on Suomen opasliiton auktorisoima opas. If you are interested in a guided tour in and around Juuka there are several options. Tuula is a licensed guide and the price is 90 €/h/tour.
Jos tarvitset apua projektiisi, otathan yhteyttä. Tuulan asiantuntija-alue on sosiaali- ja terveydenhuolto, matkailu, hallinto ja johtaminen, Janin geronteknogia ja lääketieteen teknologia, inhimilliset tekijät ja ergonomia.
If you are seeking help or advise for projects that you want to initiate you can contact us. Our field of expertise are for Tuula: health and social welfare, tourism, administration and management, for Jan: gerontechnology and medical technology, human factors and ergonomics.
If you are seeking help or advise for projects that you want to initiate you can contact us. Our field of expertise are for Tuula: health and social welfare, tourism, administration and management, for Jan: gerontechnology and medical technology, human factors and ergonomics.